A new future for London local authorities?

“Ken Livingstone’s plan for huge super-boroughs would be one big mistake.

Greens would like to see smaller local councils, which would provide a real voice for local communities.

We could either return to having smaller boroughs which represent London’s historic communities, like Deptford, Stoke Newington and Hampstead.

Or else we could create urban parish or community councils so that different neighbourhoods have their own directly elected voice,” declared Darren.

The London Governance Review Commission includes members from all four political parties, including Darren Johnson representing the Greens.

The investigation will look into the structure and size of local authorities in London as well as looking at possible changes to the electoral system.

Greens want the Commission to investigate:

· the creation of urban parish or community councils (London is the only part of the UK which is legally prevented from having these)

· breaking up the boroughs to create separate smaller councils

· proportional representation for local government



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