n response to a formal question from Brockley Ward Green Councillor, Darren Johnson, Lewisham’s Deputy Mayor has confirmed that the Council intends to strengthen its planning policies to protect back gardens from development.
Cllr Johnson said, "I am pleased the Council has responded positively to my request. There is a lot of concern from local residents and local groups who are constantly battling against plans to build on back gardens. A stronger policy in the council’s new Local Development Framework will hopefully mean more of our gardens stay green and pleasant."
Cllr Johnson’s question and the Deputy Mayor’s response are reproduced below.
Notes to editors
29 JUNE 2011
Question by Councillor Johnson
of the Deputy Mayor
Following your positive response to my previous question on the possibilities tightening up the borough’s planning policies on the protection of back gardens, can you give me an update on any progress that has been made?
The response to the Council question in March 2011 stated that the UDP policy HSG 8 ‘Backland and In-Fill Development’, that deals with this issue, is currently retained and is under review as part of the preparation of the Development Management, Development Plan Document (DPD).
As a formal planning document the Development Management DPD has to go through a number of statutory processes. This involves a review of the existing UDP policy, collection of relevant evidence and consultation on options for change. Then a final plan is submitted to the Secretary of State for an Independent Examination, following that the Council can adopt the new Development Plan.
Consultation on options for change will now take place in the Autumn. When the further options report is published it will contain, amongst other policy options, a revised approach to backland and in-fill development and include reference to garden development. It is anticipated that the policy options will include a criteria based approach that will focus on protecting the neighbourhood character; the residential amenity of both existing and proposed residential properties; traffic and parking issues and landscape and nature resource issues.