Public playgrounds must be free, says Assembly

The London Assembly has called on the Mayor to oppose any plans to make families pay for children to use playgrounds in London’s parks and public spaces.

A motion passed at yesterday’s Assembly meeting also urged Wandsworth Council to abandon proposals, which are currently being reviewed, to introduce a £2.50 fee for using the adventure playground in Battersea Park at weekends.

Darren Johnson AM, who proposed the motion, said:

"If ever there was a case of a false economy it would be charging children to use play areas in our parks and public spaces. We should be encouraging London’s children to get out and get active, not putting up barriers that will hit hardest children from poorer families who are least likely to have their own gardens to play in."

The full text of the motion reads as follows.

"This Assembly believes that entrance to public playgrounds in London’s parks and open spaces should be free. It notes that Wandsworth Council is now reconsidering its previous decision to introduce a charge at weekends to the adventure playground in Battersea Park. The Assembly calls on Wandsworth Council to abandon its proposal, and on the Mayor to oppose entrance charges to public playgrounds and make representations against charges to Wandsworth Council and to any other council considering their introduction, so as to promote social development generally in London, and to promote health equalities in particular."

Notes for Editors:

The motion was agreed by 12 votes to 7 at a meeting of the full Assembly on Wednesday 20 July 2011. Watch the webcast.

As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.

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