Jones praises Met for “seeing sense” as OSA production order is dropped

Jenny Jones, member the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) and Green London Assembly member, today welcomed the news that the Met Police has withdrawn its application, using the Official Secrets Act, to make Guardian reporters disclose their sources for articles relating to the phone hacking of murder victim Milly Dowler.

Jenny Jones said:

"I am delighted that the Met has seen sense and decided to drop the charge against the Guardian newspaper this Friday. To press ahead with a production order would have been a terrible mistake, further damaging the reputation and credibility of the police at a time when public confidence in the force is diminishing".

Jones, along with other senior figures, including the Guardian’s editor and solicitor, and the National Union of Journalists’ General Secretary, had spoken out against this attack on press freedom. Ms Jones wrote to new Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe yesterday appealing for him to: "urgently consider withdrawing the application before the inevitable reaction gains further momentum and exposes the Met to further damage".

Jenny Jones concluded:

"I am relieved that the freedom of our press will remain protected under law – as it should be. We should now move on and begin a constructive relationship with the new commissioner."

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