Responding to the FBU, UNISON, GMB joint report ‘Privatisation of London’s fire service training and control centre’ published today [24th October], London Assembly Member Darren Johnson said:
"I don’t believe that Londoners agree with privatisation of the fire service, and the uncertainties that come with it. I don’t want to see pivotal London Fire Brigade services privatised as we have seen far too many privatisations that have been costly and ineffective. That is why I welcome these proposals by the unions for the Fire Brigade to work with staff and unions in designing improved in-house provision for training and fire control."
On the privatisation of fire engines, Darren said:
"The financial fiasco of the privatisation of London Fire Brigade fire engines has raised fundamental questions about the financial viability and safety of handing key frontline emergency services assets such as Fire engines over to the private sector. I have urged the Mayor of London to bring it back under public ownership" (1)
Editors Notes
Darren Johnson’s questions to the Mayor of London at the 12 October Mayor’s Question Time:
1) AssetCo and London Fire Brigade
Question No: 3045 / 2011
Question by Darren Johnson, Green Party Member of the London Assembly
Do the ongoing financial problems around AssetCo demonstrate the problems inherent in the public sector’s over-reliance on private sector contractors, and would you agree that essential frontline assets such as fire appliances should be brought back into public ownership?
Written response from the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson
The key requirement is that the public sector can deliver services effectively and essential equipment is correctly maintained. Returning assets to public ownership is not always possible or desirable. In this case, LFEPA has worked closely with AssetCo in order to ensure that the core service provision of supply and maintenance of fleet and operational equipment is continued.
2) PFI schemes
Question No: 3046 / 2011
Darren Johnson, Green Party Member of the London Assembly
Do you agree with the findings of the Treasury Select Committee (August 2011) that Private Finance Initiative (PFI) schemes do not provide taxpayers with good value for money and do you commit to seeking alternative sources of investment funding wherever possible?
Written response from the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson
The Treasury Select Committee report provides powerful evidence that PFI would be unlikely to deliver good value for money in the current circumstances, with the difference in borrowing costs between the public and private sector being too large to justify going down the PFI route.
I agree with the committee’s conclusion that PFI needs to be used only when it is the best option, offering true value for money. I am using novel, alternative forms of investment funding, such as bonds recently issued to help pay for Crossrail and, private sector sponsorship of the River Thames cable car crossing (the Emirates Air Line), I will continue to look for others.’