Councillor Hau-Yu Tam 譚巧瑜 was joined by Green Party Deputy-Leader Zack Polanski today at the Catford Civic Suite to announce that she has now joined the Green Party.

Councillor Tam represents Evelyn Ward on Lewisham Council and has sat as an independent Councillor since leaving the Labour Party in July 2024. She left the Labour Party following months of attacks, including attempted expulsion, from within the Labour Party in Lewisham and at the London regional level over her support for justice for Palestinians.

By joining the Green Party Councillor Hau-Yu Tam 譚巧瑜 restores the Green Party presence on Lewisham Council and she will be the only opposition on a Council that has been completely controlled by the Labour Party since 2018.

Councillor Hau-Yu Tam 譚巧瑜 said:

“I’m so pleased to join the Greens and work together to take on our Government, corrupt actors, far-right forces and forces of capital locally and nationally. Since I left Labour, the Greens have welcomed me with universal solidarity and kindness, and what’s more, stood by me as comrades in the same fights. 

We have been in overlapping crises for many decades. The Greens are working alongside community-led groups and social movements to offer solutions rather than just management of problems. 

In the face of increasing barbarism, we must articulate a politics of care and love in developing concrete alternatives. We need to respond humanely to community divisions, exploitation and migration; build alternatives to austerity politics and neoliberal spending; make lasting action to halt the climate emergency and ongoing wars; and build back genuine democracy.”

Zack Polanski said:

“I am so pleased to be here to welcome Councillor Hau-Yu Tam 譚巧瑜 to the Green Party. 

Up and down the country I am meeting people constantly who feel strongly that the Labour Party no longer represents them and their values. 

In a political world dominated by the super rich, people are realising that the Green Party is the only party willing to stand up for ordinary people. We are building on the long tradition of rejecting the politics of despair and division and growing a politics of hope and solidarity.

I’m always proud to see Green Party councillors who are doing work both in their community and through Councillor Tams work – a champion for migrant rights too.

I know Hau-Yu will continue to be a wonderful Councillor for the communities here in Lewisham – their effective and bold voice in the Council chamber that will hold the Labour adminstration to account.”


Hau-Yu Tam 譚巧瑜 is a community worker, writer, campaigner, union rep and a primary school governor. She works in migrant rights & justice and advocacy. 

She was elected in 2022 as a Councillor in Evelyn ward, Lewisham – where she has focussed particularly on making communities safer and community spaces more sustainable and inclusive, scrutinising policing and carceral approaches, Borough of Sanctuary, and wrongdoings within the local Council/Labour leadership. She remains active with JCWI Migrant Champion Cllrs Network. 

Hau-Yu is the only non-Labour councillor on Lewisham council, and prior to her leaving the Labour Partyin July 2024, Lewisham has had no other Opposition Members since 2018.

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