Assembly backs Green call for more refugee children for London

The London Assembly today agreed a motion proposed by Sian Berry AM calling on the Mayor to help councils take in more refugees.

The motion urges the Mayor to work with London’s local authorities to ensure that they can support more people fleeing war, persecution or natural disasters, and particularly child refugees in Calais and from Syria.

Up to April London had only taken in 33 people from Syria (mainly in Camden and Islington) while Scotland had given new homes to more than 600. It’s not good enough from our city.

Sian says:

“In London we rightly take great pride in the many communities from around the world who have chosen to make their homes here. We have excellent language support services, a developed infrastructure of faith and community organisations, so are well placed to help refugees. Given the acute humanitarian crisis in Syria, I feel it’s a moral imperative that London’s councils do all they can to help. I hope the Mayor will act on this.”

More on the Assembly website

Watch Sian Berry AM’s speech:

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