#FairFares: Abolish the zones and close the gaps with a one-hour ticket across all modes

Abolish the zones and close the gaps with a one-hour ticket across all modes to give London fairer fares, says Green candidate Sian Berry, as our plans for bus, rail and tube fares are announced today.

“We’ll level the playing field to make everyone’s journey to work cost the same, removing the hidden penalties if you live in outer London, work part time, need to take two buses, or change between tube, bus and train on your way.”

On the day transport fares go up throughout the country, the Green Party today announces radical plans to flatten fares across the capital and make transport fairer for all Londoners.

Our three key measures are:

  • the phased introduction of a flat fare structure, making zones a thing of the past, with the immediate abolition of zones 6 and 4
  • justice for part-time workers, with a daily cap that matches the rates paid by monthly season ticket holders
  • a new ‘ONE Ticket’ allowing changes across all modes to close the gaps for people who currently pay twice when changing from bus or train to the Tube as well as ensuring that people changing buses pay only once for their journey.

“It’s not fair that people in outer London pay so much more to get to work in the centre of the city – especially as it’s also easier for people in the centre of town to use even cheaper or free alternatives such as hire bikes, cycling or walking,” says Sian Berry, the Green candidate for Mayor of London.

Timeline to flat fares by 2025

Sian, along with fellow City Hall candidates Caroline Russell and Shahrar Ali and veteran transport planner Dave Wetzel, the architect of Ken Livingstone’s Fares Fair policy at the GLC, are this morning joining local Green parties handing out #FairFares postcards at 50 rail and Tube stations all over London.

The Greens will deliver a flat fare on the Tube and trains by 2025 so that everyone’s journey to work costs the same. In the interim, there would be an immediate merger between zones 3 & 4 and 5 & 6, creating a flatter zone structure and lower fares for outer London. In 2017 there would be an immediate fare cut for everyone in zones 4, 5 and 6.

The ONE Ticket will take account of time and direction to ensure you pay to get to where you are going, not for each stage of the journey. It will allow travellers to change between any buses, trains, trams and tubes along the way to where they are going.

Sian says: “The focus of my fares policy is on closing the gaps where the current system is unfair. Flattening the zone structure is the most revolutionary idea for London’s fares since the introduction of the Travelcard in 1983, and I’m delighted that Dave Wetzel, who was in charge of transport in London then, is helping me launch it today.

“A Green Mayor and Assembly Members will help level the playing field and make transport fairer and more equal for Londoners. It’s not fair that you have to pay more to change onto the tube from the national rail services that people in south London rely upon, or that if you need to take two buses to work you have to pay twice for your journey.

“And it’s not fair that people who work part time pay more per day to get to work than people with full-time jobs – because the daily cap is much higher than what you will pay if you or your employer can afford an annual season ticket. People who work part time are often women, and more than half are paid less than the London Living Wage.”

Zone map 2025

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