“Going ahead with the Silvertown Tunnel would be immoral on public health grounds alone” – Caroline Russell

Caroline Russell, the Green Party’s local transport spokesperson and No.2 on the party’s London-wide list of candidates for the London Assembly, was one of several London politicians at a meeting organised by the No To Silvertown campaign in Greenwich last week.

She issued this statement after the meeting:

“I came to listen to residents and experts as well as to pledge my support for the campaign against the Silvertown Tunnel. I was against this misguided and expensive project before I visited but the meeting massively reinforced the health, economic and transport arguments against it. No one hearing the evidence on the health impact of air pollution and the cost to the NHS could allow the expansion of vehicle use that this tunnel represents.

“Air pollution expert Dr Ian Mudway agreed with me that implementing the plans for the Silvertown Tunnel would be both immoral and amoral on public health grounds alone. I will now redouble my efforts to support the No To Silvertown campaigners and if I’m elected to the London Assembly they can rely on me to help.”

Councillor Caroline Russell is the sole non-Labour member on Islington Council. At this year’s General Election she stood against Jeremy Corbyn in Islington North where she achieved the party’s third-best result in London. As well as being a long-standing pedestrian and cycling campaigner, she is also a qualified civil engineer.

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