Green candidates for City Hall make #PayGapPledges to support Equal Pay Day

This morning Sian Berry, Green Party candidate for Mayor of London, issued the following pledges to mark Equal Pay Day, the day when women effectively start working for free for the rest of the year:

“Half of part-time working women earn less than the living wage. London needs a Mayor who’ll stand up for women workers. #PayGapPledge.”

“I’ll bring name-blind job applications and compulsory pay gap reporting to City Hall and all contractors in London. #PayGapPledge.”

Caroline Russell, who is the Green Party’s No.2 candidate on the London-wide list for the London Assembly, also pledged to improve the gender balance among senior advisors at City Hall, tweeting:

“We also need a Mayor who is better at promoting women. Only three out of Boris’ 13 top advisors/deputy mayors are female. #EqualPayDay.”

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