“London needs its own pollution test”

The London Assembly has supported Green Assembly Member Darren Johnson’s recommendation for London to have it’s own pollution test for cars, which they already perform for buses, with Darren Johnson noting that “London has the worse NO2 pollution problem of any European capital”.

Responding to the allegations that VW vehicles have been tampered with in order to falsify emission tests, Darren Johnson AM has called for London to double check the results of all new vehicles. The London Assembly recently supported a recommendation that:

“Transport for London should carry out regular testing on London’s roads to see if Euro 6 vehicles are reducing the expected level of emissions in the way their model predicts. It should explore the possibility with the European Commission of removing ULEZ exemption from vehicles registered as Euro 6 which do not meet the required standard in London’s urban conditions, and of Transport for London undertaking its own emission tests if necessary.”

No new roads Darren Johnson


Green AM Darren Johnson campaigning against the Mayor of London’s £28bn investment in London’s roads last November, after releasing his report highlighting an alternative plan to improve public transport and cycling infrastructure.

Darren commented, “We have had fifteen years of vehicles failing to perform on the roads in the way that they perform on the European test track. The result has been more pollution and more early deaths in London. London needs its own pollution test. We do it for buses, why not coaches, lorries and cars? If we uncover evidence that manufacturers are guilty of rigging these tests they should be facing corporate manslaughter proceedings because of the massive health impacts of their actions.”

“The technology is available to the Mayor to test out vehicles on our own test track, or even better, on the road. London has the worse NO2 pollution problem of any European capital and we can’t afford to leave the health of Londoners in the hands of European vehicles manufacturers. We also need to stop being over reliant on the technical fix. The only sure way of reducing pollution is to have less traffic.”

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