Voting begins in Green Party’s London Mayoral contest

Green Party’s 6 Mayoral candidates line-up at a recent hustings chaired by Jean Lambert MEP (4th from right)

Voting has now opened in the race to decide who will represent the Green Party as their Mayoral and Assembly candidates for next May’s London elections.  

With support for the Green Party in London having trebled in the recent general election, the race to represent the Party at the polls next spring is expected to be an extremely competitive and close-fought contest.

As ballot papers arrive with London Green Party members, six candidates will be competing for their votes for the Mayoral nomination – Caroline Russell, Sian Berry, Benali Hamdache, Jonathan Bartley, Rashid Nix, and Tom Chance . Fourteen candidates are also competing for the eleven places on the Party’s Assembly list.

Co-Coordinator of the London Green Party Caroline Allen said:

“This is a big month for the Green Party in London. Our members face an incredibly tough choice between an extremely strong field of candidates – it’s both an enviable and difficult position to be in! But we know that with our recent growth in support and surge in membership whoever emerges as our candidates on September 2nd, we are going to be able to put in our toughest, strongest, and most exciting Mayoral and Assembly campaign to-date.”

London Green Party members now have a month to decide who will represent them. The party expects to announce their Mayoral and Assembly list candidates on Wednesday 2nd September.

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