Greens pledge to continue resistance to TTIP despite EU vote

The European Parliament has passed the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) bill, following the vote’s controversial postponement last month.


London’s Green MEP Jean Lambert (second from left) campaigning before the vote

Under direct pressure from its President, Martin Schultz, the European Parliament has adopted its recommendations on the TTIP negotiations.

Greens continue to oppose TTIP and remain particularly concerned about the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism which potentially would allow corporations to sue governments over any legislation or actions that threaten their profits, such as those to mitigate climate change or to improve wages for workers.

Responding straight after the vote, Green MEP for London Jean Lambert said:

‘The EP has not taken a clear position against ISDS today. But this is not the last time we will vote on TTIP. EU citizens and civil society, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, public services and trade unions are increasingly aware of what’s at risk with this proposed Treaty: hard-fought-for standards.

‘There are many more reasons to oppose this deal, and so we must continue our fight to protect our public services and high standards against corporate attack for democracy, and for Europe’s citizens.’

The vote carried by the comfortable majority of the Grand Coalition 436 : 241 : 32

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