Green Party’s Jenny Jones and Darren Johnson to step-down from London Assembly after sixteen years

Baroness Jenny Jones and Darren Johnson, the Green Party’s two current members of the London Assembly, have confirmed that they will not be seeking re-election next May.

Nominations to be the Green Party’s Mayoral and Assembly candidates closed today. After sixteen years’ service as Assembly Members, Jones and Johnson have decided to step-down from their roles.

Baroness Jenny Jones said: “Having Greens on the London Assembly from its beginning means that the issues of environmental and social justice could not be ignored, by the Mayor of the day or by the other political parties. We were the first to promote cycling, the first to mention air pollution, and the first to come out against water cannon.

“The result is that the Assembly’s stance on issues like climate change, civil liberties and economic reality is much greener than other local or regional authority bodies. We have greened London government, to the benefit of all Londoners.”

Caroline Allen Darren Johnson Jenny Jones Mustafa Korel

Green Assembly Members Darren Johnson and Jenny Jones (central) photographed with Caroline Allen (left) and Mustafa Korel (right).

Darren Johnson said: “By next May I will have served a sixteen year stretch and look forward to handing over to a brand new Green Party team at City Hall. In spite of being a Group of two on the Assembly and in spite of the Assembly’s limited powers, I’m immensely proud to have played a role in things like getting damaging roadbuilding plans scrapped, getting the UK’s first ever same-sex partnership registration established, getting the London Living Wage established and getting cycling investment to figure seriously in Transport for London’s budget.”

Caroline Allen, Co-Chair of the London Green Party, said: “On behalf of the London Green Party I pass on huge thanks and gratitude to Jenny and Darren for all that they have done to further the Green cause in the capital and to represent us on the London Assembly. From helping to deliver the living wage to securing cross-party support for Low Emissions Zones to being the first to introduce a scheme for civil partnerships, Jenny and Darren have helped make London a fairer and healthier place to live.

“And it is because of their work and the causes that they have championed that we are now in such a strong position to launch our next campaign for Mayor and the Assembly. This Monday we close nominations/announce our candidates for next May’s election. Thanks to the reputation Darren and Jenny leave behind, we head into this election on a high, knowing that we can put in our strongest ever challenge for Mayor and with the opportunity to increase our share of the seats on the Assembly.”

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