Green Party Deputy Leader Shahrar Ali launches Greens’ BAME manifesto in Brick Lane, London

Green Party Deputy Leader and candidate for Brent Central launched the Party’s Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) manifesto today in Brick Lane, London.

He was joined by the party’s Equalities Spokesperson Benali Hamdache and members of the Greens of Colour Group. 

The BAME manifesto pledges:

•            Anonymised CVs so that BAME candidates are not excluded from jobs

•            More apprenticeships and more funding for BAME entrepreneurs

•            Reform of stop and search

•            Ethical international diplomacy that supports peacebuilding

•            Reform of the asylum process and an end to the spousal income requirement

Shahrar Ali said:

“Our society is an international one and we owe a debt to the generations of individuals and families from all over the world who have made the UK what it is today.

“The Green Party is presenting a brighter future that tackles systemic inequalities in society and would work to provide everyone an equal stake in life. Talent and energy remain untapped because of inequality, whilst too many communities face poverty, exclusion and marginalisation.

“In May 2015 you have a stark choice: to continue with the failed, grey Westminster politics of old, or create a whole new type of politics. Vote Green on May and help start a peaceful political revolution.”

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