Call for London’s pension fund to urgently divest from fossil fuels

“We have a chance to show real leadership on climate change, starting by making sure our pensions don’t fund more fossil fuel extraction” calls Green Assembly Member Jenny Jones, as she puts forward a motion to immediately freeze any investments in fossil fuel extractions and divest within five years.

Jenny Jones, Green Party Member of the London Assembly, will tomorrow table a motion at the London Assembly Plenary starting at 10am, calling on the London Pension Fund Authority to immediately freeze any new investments in the extraction of fossil fuels, and to draw up a plan to divest from the top 200 fossil fuel companies within five years. Her motion also calls for the Mayor of London to make a public statement in favour of divestment, and ensure GLA money isn’t invested in fossil fuels.

Green Assembly Member Jenny Jones calls to divest from fossil fuel companies within 5 years, calling for the Assembly to invest in green technologies instead.

Jenny commented, “We have a chance to show real leadership on climate change, starting by making sure our pensions don’t fund more fossil fuel extraction. I want the London Assembly to back this call, and for the London Pension Fund Authority to take the leap and get out of dirty energy once and for all.

“Let’s invest in a solar revolution instead. There are so many opportunities for our pension fund to invest in a clean energy future, whether putting solar panels on schools in London or getting behind exciting new tidal and wave technologies developed elsewhere in the UK.”

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