Membership of the London Green Party hits 10,000

Co-chair of the London Green Party Caroline Allen says it’s “thrilling to be a part of this major milestone” as London Green Party membership hits 10,000 and the Green Party polls third in the capital.

  • Membership of the London Green Party has doubled in the last 3 months
  • A new member is joining the party every 3 minutes
  • Hackney Green Party first Green Party in London to reach 1000 members

Membership of the Green Party in London hit a major milestone today as it passed the 10,000 mark. 

Since mid-January over 4,000 people have joined the London Green Party and its membership has doubled in the last 3 months and the party estimates that a new member is signing-up every 3 minutes. Hackney Green Party has also become the first ever party in London to reach 1000 local members.

The incredible surge witnessed by the Greens in London has coincided with a massive rise in their national standing and membership in recent weeks. The combined UK Green Parties registered their 50,000th member at the end of January. 

A Green Party gathering, with leader Natalie Bennett central and Green Assembly Members Jenny Jones and Darren Johnson second and third from the right respectively.

The growing popularity of the Greens in London is also being reflected in the polls with surveys putting the party comfortably ahead of both UKIP and the Liberal Democrats in the capital. The polling cements their position as London’s third biggest party and puts them in a very strong position heading into May’s general election.

Co-Chair of the London Green Party Caroline Allen said:

“It is thrilling to be a part of this major milestone in the history of the Greens in London. The capital is really becoming a hotbed of support for the Party. People are appreciating that we are the party really fighting hard on the issues that matter to Londoners – providing affordable housing, tackling damaging air pollution, delivering a quality and affordable train service, and creating a fairer economy. With less than 100 days to go to the election, we’re urging all our supporters and members to make sure that they are registered to vote and ready to have their say on May 7th”. 

Membership Officer for the London Green Party Noel Lynch said:

“As membership officer I have the huge privilege of getting to meet and greet all the new members that are flooding into our party. We’ve witnessed so many new-joiners in recent weeks that we’re having to find larger venues to host our new-members meetings. People are coming to our party for all sorts of reasons but the main things that they all seem to have in common is a shared excitement and energy – they can see that they are signing-up to a popular and expanding movement that is ready to deliver real change to politics in Britain. I’ve been in the party a few years now but believe me, that new energy is incredibly contagious!”

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