Green MEP: US trade deal challenges NHS and democracy

“This trade deal is not about free trade, it’s a free-for-all, slashing regulations in favour of big business” says Green MEP Jean Lambert, who warns that the only way to protect the NHS from further privatisation is to stop the agreement.

London’s Green MEP Jean Lambert will warn that a secret trade deal between the EU and the US threatens the NHS and could see business interests override the public good and democratic decision-making.

Releasing a new collection of essays on the proposed historic trade deal tonight (Friday, January 30th), she will argue that the current Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) must be scrapped.

It contains new writing that presents the breadth of opposition to TTIP, including:

  • The Royal College of Nursing on what it may mean for our NHS, and the StopAIDS Campaign turns its attention to access to generic medicines;
  • TUC’s Owen Tudor raises concerns about the impact on jobs;
  • Ed Paton-Williams from Open Rights Group highlights how TTIP will undermine digital protections;
  • Molly Scott Cato MEP investigates aspects of financial regulation; and
  • Keith Taylor MEP and Friends of the Earth’s Natacha Cingotti highlight the implications to food safety, animal protection and environmental legislation.

There are also sections on the highly controversial topic of the Investor-State-Dispute-Settlement, public services and a view from the USA.

Jean said:

‘If this agreement progresses, then we could find that the NHS privatisation we have already seen would be ‘locked-in’ and there could be no going back. We know there a number of private companies that are very interested in getting their hands on parts of the NHS and a number of politicians that want to help them. This Agreement risks letting them in and then holding on. The only safe way to ensure the NHS is not part of this agreement and put under this additional pressure, is to clearly keep it out. The Government is refusing to do that.’

The meeting is organised by Sutton Peace and Justice and will start 7.30pm, Friends House, 10 Cedar Road, Sutton SM2 5DA.

Jean Lambert concluded:

‘This trade deal is not about free trade, it’s a free-for-all, slashing regulations in favour of big business. If Green and other progressive politicians can unite with campaigners, trade unions and the public then we can defeat TTIP.’

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