Membership of the Green Party booms in London

London Green Party’s membership booms inline with the rise of the National Party, with the Green Party surpassing UKIPs and Lib Dems membership count and YouGov placing Green Party third in the capital.

  • Membership of the London Green Party grows by over 2000 in one week
  • Greens polling ahead of UKIP and Liberal Democrats in the capital
  • Demonstration taking place on College Green today against Greens exclusion from TV debates

The Green Party in London has seen an exceptional surge in membership with the record for the number of members joining in one day being surpassed twice in one week. The party now has over 8000 members meaning that 1 in 5 members of the Green Party of England and Wales is based in London.

The results of the YouGov poll for London, photograph from the London Green Party facebook page.

The surge came as the number of members of the combined UK Green Parties surpassed UKIP and the Liberal Democrats last Thursday.

The growing popularity of the Greens in London is also being reflected in the polls with YouGov’s latest survey putting the party comfortably ahead of both UKIP and the Liberal Democrats in the capital. The polling cements their position as London’s third biggest party and puts them in a strong position heading into May’s general election.

Co-Chair of the London Green Party Caroline Allen said:

“It is thrilling to be a part this major turning point in the history of the Green Party in London. The capital is really becoming a hotbed of support for the Party. The more that people have the chance to hear about our policies, the more they seem to like them. They’re appreciating that we are the party really fighting hard on the issues that matter to Londoners – providing affordable housing, tackling damaging air pollution, delivering a quality and affordable train service, and creating a fairer economy. People are realising that there is a different kind of politics that does represent them, it doesn’t have to be about distant men in suits.”

Caroline’s Co-Chair Tom Chance said:

“The incredible rise in support for the Green Party both here in London and nationally is making Ofcom’s statement that the Greens are not a “major party” even more outrageous. With the other parties agreed on issues like austerity and road building, it’s only right that the alternative voice of the Green Party is heard. That’s why I am proud that so many members of the London Green Party will be out in force today, supporting the demonstration taking place at Westminster calling for a Green place in the TV debates.”

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