Jean Lambert MEP: Recognition of Palestine an important step in a peaceful solution

Green MEP Jean Lambert welcomes the resolution of the European Parliament to support the recognition of the Palestinian state, saying “for too long Palestine has received mixed messages from Europe”.

Jean Lambert

Jean Lambert talking at an ENAR event, calling for the election of progressive MEPs to deal with racism.

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution with a large majority calling for the Palestinian state to finally be recognised. Immediately in response to the vote, Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London said:

 ‘The European Parliament has today joined the growing international momentum for the recognition of the Palestinian state. The Greens/EFA group has long supported a two state solution and views the recognition of Palestine as an important step towards a peaceful solution of the Middle East conflict, which puts pressure on both sides to this end.

‘For too long, Palestine has received mixed messages from Europe so I also welcome that MEPs supported a Green proposal to set up a ‘parliamentarians for peace’ initiative with deputies from Europe, Israel and Palestine.’

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