Green Party selects candidate for Kingston by-election

Ryan Coley has been selected as the Green Party Councillor candidate for Kingston; Ryan is a local resident and activist, who wants to focus on protecting local business owners and cleaning up the roads.

Young activist and local Kingston resident Ryan Coley has been selected by the Green Party to contest the Tudor Ward council by-election on 16th October.

A former coach for a local Little Leagues football team and life-long resident of the borough, Ryan, 21, has said that his main priorities as a councillor would be to protect resident’s community services and shops and work towards creating a safer and healthier road network in Kingston.

Ryan said:

“As a local Kingston resident myself I know how lucky we are to have such a great range of local shops and services right on our doorstep. Unfortunately these are coming under-threat from mega chain-stores like Sainsbury’s that are looking to muscle-in to our high-streets, putting local shop-owners out of business and reducing the diversity of our neighbourhood at the same time. If elected councillor on 16th October I would work hard to protect local business owners and ensure that any new developments meet the needs and wishes of Kingston residents.

“As well as protecting our high streets I also want to clean-up our roads. Despite being blessed with a number of parks and playing-fields, Kingston’s levels of air pollution are dangerously high. We need action now to cut the number of people dying needlessly every year from poor air quality. By making small changes to our local roads so that it is easier and safer to get about by bike and on foot we can cut air pollution in the borough and help to create a more pleasant environment for everyone who lives, works, and shops in Kingston.”

The by-election in Tudor Ward takes place on Thursday 16th October. The election was called due to the ill-health of sitting Conservative Councillor Frank Thompson.

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