Green Party’s by-election candidate says: “Don’t burden Newham with more cars and air pollution.”

Green Party candidate for the Newham council by-election joins forces with Green Assembly Member Darren Johnson to rebuke the TfL’s recent proposal to build a new road bridge over the Thames, which local residents have been opposed to for over 30 years.

Jane Lithgow and Darren Johnson

Green Party candidate Jane Lithgow and Green Assembly Member Darren Johnson at Gallions Reach, where the proposed road bridge would be.

The Green Party’s candidate for the upcoming Newham council by-election has joined forces with Green London Assembly Member Darren Johnson in opposing the construction of a new river crossing at Gallions Reach. 

If successfully elected in the Beckton Ward by-election, taking place on Thursday 11th September, the Green Party’s Jane Lithgow, a Beckton resident for 14 years, has stated that one of her main priorities will be to work towards improving the provision of public transport and the safety of cycling and walking in Newham and opposing any schemes likely to increase traffic and air pollution in the borough.

Commenting on Transport for London’s recent proposal to build a new road bridge over the Thames between Gallions Reach in Beckton and Thamesmead, Jane said:

“Any investment in Newham should be used so that it benefits the local community. This proposed road crossing will simply bring more cars, lorries, noise, and air pollution to our streets and neighbourhoods. We should not be a place where people just drive through and land on – we have rights to clean air and a noise-free environment. We already suffer from higher than the London average for air pollution in a city which itself continues to fail to meet emissions targets. Beckton children must be allowed to grow up in a place where dirty air and high noise levels do not threaten their health and development.

“I am asking the people of Beckton for their vote so that I can work on their behalf to ensure any new transport schemes actually help create the cleaner and safer borough that our residents deserve. I would oppose the construction of this proposed river crossing which can only burden Newham with more cars and increased air pollution.”

London Green Party Assembly Member Darren Johnson has worked hard at City Hall to oppose the scheme and to table alternatives. He joined Jane in opposing Transport for London’s proposal stating:

“Local people have been rejecting plans for this bridge for over 30 years but I am concerned that neither the Mayor nor Transport for London have been listening. A number of options for improving public transport and reducing traffic in Newham could still be considered – as well as upgrading the popular ferry service when the current vessel needs replacing. By voting for Jane on September 11th Newham’s residents have the chance to elect a councillor that would ensure any local concerns and objections to these plans are taken up and championed.”

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