999Call for the NHS

London Green Party Councillors call for members to support 999Call for the NHS, a march against the privatisation of the NHS, stating that access to healthcare is a “universal right” and should not “only be available to the highest bidder”.

999Call for NHS

This Saturday 6th September the 999Call for the NHS – a national demonstration against the privatisation of the NHS – reaches London. Demonstrators will be gathering at 2pm outside the Unite union offices and marching from there to parliament square.

The Green Party’s Councillors for London issued the following joint statement of support:

“Being able to access decent healthcare and support when you need it is not something that should only be available to the highest bidder. It’s a universal right, written into the founding principles of our prized National Health Service. By gradually selling-off NHS services to the private sector and slashing central government funding, the Coalition and the former Labour government are making healthcare a luxury that only the rich can afford.

“We don’t believe this is fair and neither do huge numbers of the general public. A recent survey found that 4 in 5 people believe the NHS should be run by the public sector. For those feeling exasperated and frustrated by the government’s soulless dismantling of the NHS, the 999Call for the NHS march offers a great opportunity to join together and have your voice of opposition heard. That’s why this Saturday London Green Party members will be out in force to support the march and call for end to the privatisation of the NHS.”

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