UK government misses London’s legal pollution limit by 20 years – and then tries to hide it

The “environmental lawyers” ClientEarth have revealed that the UK Government tried to suppress information on its pollution target complience using rules on legal privilege, seemingly unaware that it was to be published on Defra’s website.

The figures published by Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) show that the UK Government does not expect London to meet its Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) legal limits until after 2030, according to revised projections released today. Previously projections from DEFRA and City Hall had put the date at 2025. The original legal compliance date was 2010. DEFRA estimates that around 4000 Londoners a year die prematurely due to air pollution.

ClientEarth has brought the case against the UK Government on behalf of its citizens for its failure to adhere to legal pollution limits set by the EU to protect the public’s health.The case was referred to the Court of Justice of EU by the UK Supreme Court where it is currently being heard. Commission lawyers described the case as “perhaps the longest running infringement of EU law in history”.

Alan Andrews, a lawyer for Client Earth said: “It’s bad enough that the government has no intention of complying with these limits in the foreseeable future. It’s even worse that they’re trying to hide behind legal procedural rules to keep this quiet. We have a right to breathe clean air and the right to know when the government is failing to protect us.”

Jenny Jones Caroline Lucas protesting against air pollution

Jenny Jones, centre left: “Politicians at all levels of local and national Government have failed to take the decisive actions needed to reduce pollution”

Green Party members in the London Assembly and in the European Parliament have consistently pushed for legal limits to be enforced by the swift introduction of a central London ‘Ultra Low Emission Zone’ by 2018 and by ensuring that all cars, taxis and vans in the city conform to “Euro 4” low pollution standards. During periods of high pollution, Greens have also called for the Mayor to issue “smog warnings” to help vulnerable Londoners protect their health.

Speaking after DEFRA’s revelations, Green London Assembly Member Baroness Jenny Jones said: “

Jenny Jones AM said:

“The news about air pollution seems to get worse, not better. Politicians at all levels of local and national Government have failed to take the decisive actions needed to reduce pollution. People’s health has suffered directly because of the complacency and inaction of successive Government Ministers.  This latest admission about the extent of the air pollution problem reinforces the case against more road building in London and for the introduction of pay as you go driving to bring down fares and reduce traffic.”


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