Green campaigners in Lewisham finally rewarded with Mayor’s 20mph U-Turn

Lewisham’s directly elected Mayor Steve Bullock has vowed to make all borough maintained roads in Lewisham 20mph in a victory for Greens and local campaigners. 

Darren Johnson Green Party Assembly Member and Lewisham Councillor from 2002-2014, had petitioned the Mayor for life saving 20mph limits throughout his period representing residents in the borough. Most recently, Darren handed in a petition to the council officers on behalf of campaigner Clare Griffiths, signed by 170 residents. The petition call was at the time rejected by Mayor Bullock.

Lewisham Greens 20mph

Cllr John Coughlin, left, with Lewisham Greens, for whom the news is a welcome reward to years of campaigning

Speaking to local paper Lewisham Mercury, Darren commented:

“After years of pushing for a Lewisham-wide 20mph and being told time and time again that Labour in Lewisham would not be following other boroughs in introducing one, I am absolutely delighted by this U-turn.

“It is clearly the way forward for a safer and more pleasant environment for pedestrians and cyclists. Lewisham residents will benefit massively from this.”

Green Cllr John Coughlin, who was elected to represent Brockley ward in May 2014 following Darren’s decision not to restand, added:

“I warmly welcome Mayor Bullock’s commitment to the introduction of a borough-wide 20 mph limit on Lewisham roads. It is an issue which the Green Party has long promoted, both in full council and in the local community. I believe it makes sense and will result in safer, less-polluted streets to the benefit of all road users, whether they be pedestrians, cyclists or motorists. Reducing speeds on our roads will make them safer for everyone.

“I fully intend to hold the majority Labour council to its commitment.”

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