Green Councillor joins forces with three city campaigns to support a traffic-free Tottenham Court Road

Green Party’s Local Transport Spokesperson, Cllr Caroline Russell has joined with walking, cycling, and street design campaigners in a letter lending support to Camden’s vision for a less traffic dominated West End.

Artist's impression of the new look TCR

Artist’s impression of the new look Tottenham Court Road (from 

Last week, Camden Council launched a public consultation on its West End Project, which envisages significant change to the layout and use of Tottenham Court Road, Gower Street, and neighbouring streets and spaces. The project has the ambitious overall objectives of making this part of London much more pleasant to be in, much more attractive to get to/from and around on foot and by bike, and better for access by both bus and train (including from the new Tottenham Court Road Crossrail station). Details can be found here.

The basis for achieving these objectives is the return of both Tottenham Court Road and Gower Street to two-way working, the exclusion of all motor traffic except buses from Tottenham Court Road during weekdays, significant reductions in traffic flows on the majority of streets in the area, and the reallocation of carriageway space for walking, cycling, trees and public space.

Green Party’s Local Transport Spokesperson and Green Islington Cllr Caroline Russell has joined with Bruce McVean, Founder of Movement for Liveable London, John Dales, Director of Urban Movement and Mark Ames, editor of the ibikelondon blog in an open letter lending support to the project.

Each of us has different views as to how the current proposals could be improved, and we will be making different representations to Camden accordingly. 

“However, the reason we’re putting our names to this open letter is that, while our views on the current proposals might differ, we share the view that Camden’s overall vision of streets that are more inclusive of walking and cycling deserves our support.

“The West End Project presents the real opportunity to show how even the busiest London streets can be reclaimed from motor traffic dominance and made into much more enjoyable places for people. If successful, the project will do much to enable progressive schemes to be implemented elsewhere in this city, and others.”

The 4 campaigners urge those who live, work in or visit the West End to support the aims of the project, and to reply to the consultation with constructive criticism as to how it can be improved.

Both Sian Berry, transport campaigner and Green Party Camden Councillor and Green Assembly Member Darren Johnson have both been long time proponents for the redesign of Tottenham Court Road to make it safer for vulnerable road users. 

Responding to the launch of the consultation, Darren said: “Getting rid of lorries and cars from Tottenham Court Road would be a positive step forwards and opens the way for reducing traffic throughout the West End of London. London could become a city of buses and bikes, if the Mayor and the boroughs did some bold thinking and examined how other roads could be redesigned.

“However, we should be aiming to reduce the traffic and pollution on our streets, not just displace it onto other roads. Streets become nicer, more human places, as soon as you make the safety of pedestrians and cyclists your number one priority.”


Read the full open letter:

We support Camden’s vision for the West End and we hope you will too

Last week, Camden Council launched a public consultation on its West End Project, which envisages significant change to the layout and use of Tottenham Court Road, Gower Street, and neighbouring streets and spaces. It’s a project with the ambitious overall objectives of making this part of London much more pleasant to be in, much more attractive to get to/from and around on foot and by bike, and better for access by both bus and train (including from the new Tottenham Court Road Crossrail station). Details can be found here.

The basis for achieving these objectives is the return of both Tottenham Court Road and Gower Street to two-way working, the exclusion of all motor traffic except buses from Tottenham Court Road during weekdays, significant reductions in traffic flows on the majority of streets in the area, and the reallocation of carriageway space for walking, cycling, trees and public space.

Each of us has different views as to how the current proposals could be improved, and we will be making different representations to Camden accordingly.

However, the reason we’re putting our names to this open letter is that, while our views on the current proposals might differ, we share the view that Camden’s overall vision of streets that are more inclusive of walking and cycling deserves our support. The West End Project presents the real opportunity to show how even the busiest London streets can be reclaimed from motor traffic dominance and made into much more enjoyable places for people. If successful, the project will do much to enable progressive schemes to be implemented elsewhere in this city, and others.

Projects like this are hugely complex, none is ever perfect, and no individual or group is ever likely to have all their needs and aspirations met. That’s one of the reasons we don’t all agree as to how Camden’s proposals should be developed. But we’re determined that our criticism will be constructive, so that the Council is encouraged to build on, not retreat from, its current proposals. We urge you to do likewise.

Bruce McVean, Founder, Movement for Liveable London

John Dales, Director, Urban Movement

Cllr Caroline Russell, Local Transport Spokesperson, The Green Party

Mark Ames, Editor, ibikelondon blog 

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