London’s Green MEP condemns rise of xenophobia in politics at Anti-Facism Conference

Speaking at Unite Against Facism’s Conference, Jean Lambert MEP warned: “Farage got to this point by a very nasty route”

The gathering was called to address the topic: “After the Euro Elections — Stand Up to Ukip, Racism and Fascism.”

Addressing the conference, lifelong human rights campaigner and Green MEP for London Jean Lambert spoke of rise of fascist parties across Europe – and how to combat them, through support for human rights, individual migrants and a sense of solidarity in campaigns for decent pay, defending benefits and housing provision. 

“I am really proud to represent London in the European Parliament, and to show how people from different backgrounds…can live together and create a city that is vibrant and dynamic and built on mutual respect.”

In an article for the Morning Star before the conference, UAF Vice-Chair Hugh Lanning said that he believed the political elite are scapegoating migrants for the problems caused by the banking crash and the subsequent bailout.

“Those who argue for migration controls hide behind talk about skills, language, numbers and over-population.

“In reality we know that they really mean skin colour — are you a Muslim, do you speak English or are you poor and in need of work?”

The problems that people are confronted with, and that Ukip is capitalising on — lack of jobs, lack of affordable housing, declining public services — all stem from the chosen path of austerity.”

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