Support for the Greens soars on eve of poll

The Green Party has hit its highest ratings in opinion polls ahead of the European Elections on Thursday.

A YouGov poll for the Sun puts the Green Party on 12%, up 4% since the last poll and 2% above the Liberal Democrats. 

Based on a national swing the poll would see the Green Party tripling the number of MEPs in England and Wales to six, while the Lib Dems would be reduced to four MEPs. 

Natalie Bennett, Green Party Leader, said: 

“These polls are reflecting what I’m hearing as I meet people on the campaign trail. 

“Voters want real change from business as usual but, increasingly, people are realising that UKIP offer just more of the same. 

“The Green Party is standing up for hope at these elections. We have a positive vision for a European Union that puts people and the environment first. The other parties are just offering more of the same old tired politics.” 


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