Green Party pedals their message across London

The Green Party has found an innovative way to get its campaign message for the European and local elections out across London – by utilising the power of the bicycle.

The party, which is known for its environmentally friendly policies and support for sustainable transport, has hired four bikes to travel across the capital over today and tomorrow trailing one of their campaign billboards. The cyclists, who started out on their tour this morning, will be stopping off at various locations across the city to hand-out leaflets and meet-and-greet with the public.

Seeing off one of the cyclists this morning at the School of Oriental and African Studies in Bloomsbury, current London Green Party MEP Jean Lambert said:

“This tour is all about highlighting everything the Greens stand for. We’ve kicked-off at SOAS because we think the university showcases what we believe is so fantastic about London – its diversity and international spirit. Londoners have a big choice at these European elections: they are being asked to choose the kind of future that they want for their city. We believe the spirit of London is found in its multiculturalism and diversity and that’s the positive message we want to take with us to Europe.”

Caroline Allen, second on the London Green Party’s list of MEP candidates added:

“When people hear about our worked-through policies – cleaning up our dangerously dirty air, turning the minimum wage into a living wage and providing more affordable housing for Londoners – they vote Green. We’ve just got to continue getting our message and vision out to Londoners and pedalling it around the city seems like the most appropriate way for us to do it!”


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