Katharine Hamnett CBE: Vote Green on May 22!

Designer Katharine Hamnett created this t-shirt for Green Party MP Caroline Lucas

KATHARINE Hamnett CBE, the pioneer of ethical and environmental clothing, has pledged her support for the Green Party ahead of the May 22 European and Local Elections. 

“It’s going to be Ukip or the Greens at the European elections. We don’t want any more Ukip so let’s get out there and VOTE Green. It’s important to VOTE for a progressive future for Europe that works for the common good”, said Hamnett. 

Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London since 1989, is to speak at a public meeting organized by Hamnett about pesticide use in London Fields, a Hackney park.

Ms Lambert said: “”Roundup’s active ingredient presents serious risks to human health and it should be taken off the market.

“Its long-term use has been linked to a number of severe health problems, including kidney disease and even birth defects. The Dutch Parliament recently voted to ban its domestic sale and other governments are likely to follow. 

“I, along with other Greens, shall certainly be pushing for a ban at EU level and I would urge everyone to demand an immediate end to its use by local councils. 

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