Jean Lambert MEP calls for Crystal Palace plans to be put on hold

London Green MEP Jean Lambert today (Tue) joined the campaign to save historic parkland at Crystal Palace from commercial development.

The hilltop public park, on which crystal palace stood from 1852 until it was relocated, is proposed as a site for a large scale multi-storey project from a Chinese developer, which has received the backing of London Mayor Boris Johnson.

Lambert was joined by Green Party leader Natalie Bennett and other Green candidates as she met with campaigners at the site.

She said:

“The plans for building on the hill top, from what we know, show a complete insensitivity to the history and heritage of this public parkland.

They would destroy the tree lined layout of the old Crystal Palace, create more polluting traffic, and spoil an iconic green space for the people in the surrounding boroughs.

“Instead of protecting parks and fighting London’s air pollution, Boris wants to bulldoze over our green spaces and sell off our public land for private profit.

“Local communities haven’t been properly consulted over these plans and they fail to even consider the real needs of the area.

“These proposals drive a sledgehammer through the heritage of crystal palace, and destroy an important breathing space of the city.

“Parks are for people, not profit.”

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