EU must focus on environmental crisis as well as social and economic

The EU must tackle the “triple crises” the world is facing together or it cannot hope to solve any of them says Green MEP Jean Lambert.

EU Brussels

Place du Luxembourg, European Quarter of Brussels, photograph courtesy of J Logan.

The EU must remain focused on environmental policies – and not just concentrate on economic revival, London’s Green MEP Jean Lambert said this week.

Speaking at a conference entitled ‘A Better Europe Now’ organised by the Spring Alliance – an umbrella group of civil society groups and trade unions working in Brussels – she said we faced an environmental crisis as well as a social and economic one.

“The Spring Alliance has today called for a lot of great policies for the future of Europe – and I’m delighted to be here offering it my support,” she said.

“The ‘Spring Alliance’ brings together many of the organisations working to try to improve EU policies on development, equality, workers’ rights, the environment and the economy.

“It’s vital that the EU tackles the triple crises the world is facing: environmental, economic and social. They are all intimately linked, and unless we tackle them together we can’t really hope to solve any of them.

The Spring Alliance has called for a more democratic EU, a reduction in poverty, an end to austerity measures, job creation, environmental improvements, more renewable energy generation, and a more just tax system.

“I hope the European Parliament has the necessary representation to put pressure on the European Commission and Member State governments after the May 22 election to make sure that happens.”

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