The London Green Party takes on UKIP’s xenophobia and migrant rhetoric

RACISM is on the rise, says the London Green Party and the London Young Greens, who are co-hosting a day of action to address the rising tide of xenophobia on the airwaves and across the capital.

Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett will open the event, which will also feature speeches from leading left-wing commentators Owen Jones and Sunny Hundal and Green MEP candidates for London Violeta Vajda, Amelia Womack and Danny Bates.

The event, which will take place in Shoreditch, east London, on April 6 will feature discussion, debate and workshops focused on ‘Racism on the Rise: Challenging the migration debate’.

Bennett and other leading Greens will reiterate the Green Party’s unbending commitment to an inclusive and humane UK that values the contributions made by migrant communities.

Organiser and London Green Party Co-Coordinator Benali Hamdache said:

“At a time when UKIP’s rhetoric on migration dominates the media, and parties are falling over themselves to out-UKIP UKIP, it’s really time for a party to stand up for the quiet majority that values the diversity of London. I’m proud the London Green Party is making a commitment to standing up for a diverse and inclusive London. This will be a central plank of our European Election Campaign, and I look forward to launching our campaign this weekend.”

Date: 6th April 11.00-17.00

Venue: Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT


Register for the event here:


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