Green MEP backs new rights for London women without residency rights

Green MEP Jean Lambert calls for balance between controlling our borders and upholding basic human rights.


Passport control at Dover, Kent, image courtesy of Helmut Zozmann.

London’s Green MEP Jean Lambert has welcomed the European Parliament’s support for a report from the EU Women’s Committee on undocumented women migrants.

Many women living in London, whose migration status is irregular, can find themselves in very vulnerable situations – unable to access essential healthcare or scared to report violence or exploitation because they fear their migration status will be more important than their rights as an individual.

Ms Lambert said: “Most women arrive here with the right papers but can lose their residency status through a change in personal circumstances, and then find themselves – sometimes their children as well – in a legal limbo.

“Others will have been trafficked here and have no idea of the rights they do have.

“The European Parliament’s view is very clear: we must not forget the dignity of the individual. Victims of domestic abuse or other crime must feel able to contact the police; victims of exploitation at work must be able to take action.”

She added: “We must improve the delicate balance between controlling our borders and upholding the basic human rights of those, often vulnerable women and their children, who reside here.”

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