Boris Johnson brings McDonald’s sponsorship into schools during National Obesity Awareness Week

Baroness Jenny Jones accuses Boris Johnson of “irresponsibility” after acting despite having already been recommended to protect children from junk food advertising unanimously by the London Assembly.

McDonalds meal

Picture courtesy of Peter Ligerry.

London Assembly Member Jenny Jones has criticized Boris Johnson’s sponsorship deal with McDonalds to help fund his Mayor’s ‘Capital Clean Up’ volunteering programme, which targets places like schools and youth groups. The next funding round for the Spring/Summer campaign started in January 2014 and coincides with National Obesity Awareness Week. Successful applicants are obliged to acknowledge McDonalds in any arising publicity. The fast food outlet is associated with highly processed, high fat, high sugar and unhealthy foods.  

Last year the London Assembly unanimously agreed a motion proposed by Jenny Jones AM urging the Mayor of London to step up his commitment on tackling childhood obesity. One of its recommendations was ‘protecting children from junk food advertising’.

“In the midst of a child obesity crisis that threatens to shorten lives and overwhelm public health services, Boris Johnson has again demonstrated his breath taking poor judgement and irresponsibility by allowing junk food and drink marketing into the school environment”

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