Mayor failing to act fast on air pollution health crisis

Green Assembly Member Jenny Jones comments on “dithering” Mayor of London as air pollution is named a significant cause of death amongst Londoners.

London Aerial Shot

Jenny Jones urges Boris Johnson to take action to give Londoners the “cleaner air they deserve”. Photograph courtesy of Reedy.

Clean Air in London have today released a borough by borough break down of public health statistics which places diseases linked to air pollution as one of the significant causes of deaths amongst Londoners.

Jenny Jones said: “There is a growing awareness of how badly air pollution is affecting people’s health, but this is not matched by a growing urgency in dealing with the problem. The Mayor of London is still dithering and taking backward steps, when the medical evidence is piling up on his desk. Londoners deserve cleaner air and that means traffic reduction, a switch to cleaner vehicles and a halt to plans to build new roads.”

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