Nissan electric taxi needs support

Mayor Boris Johnson’s failure to deliver adequate support for electric cars in London will affect Londoners health as well as the environment says Jenny Jones.

Japan Electric Taxi

Nissan Leaf Electric Taxi in action in Japan.

Nissan are launching a petrol engine taxi today which is likely to reduce some of the harmful pollutants which impact on the health of Londoners. An electric taxi is due to be produced for 2015, but there is a concern that London won’t have the electric charging point infrastructure to encourage its widespread use.

The Mayor’s Electric Vehicle Delivery Plan (2009) aimed to install 25,000 charging points by 2015. He then announced plans (2010) for 7,500 electric car charging points on London’s roads by 2013. He actually achieved 1,300.

Jenny Jones said: “Boris Johnson has failed to deliver on his promise of 25,000 electric charging points to support these new cabs and as a result he is letting down Londoners and the many cabbies who want to do the right thing. London also has no rapid charging network which will mean that cabbies will have to slowly recharge their taxis when they run out of juice, which will potentially cost them trade and money. Black cabs are one of the most polluting fleets of vehicles on London’s roads. The Mayor needs to pull his finger out and deliver on his original promise of 25,000 charging points. Otherwise a great opportunity for reducing pollution in London will go to waste and the health of Londoners will suffer as a result.”

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