London’s Green MEP condemns PM’s alleged “green crap” comment ahead of Green Economy Conference

London’s Green MEP Jean Lambert has condemned the “green crap” comments reportedly made by Prime Minster David Cameron, saying that “a truly sustainable economic recovery must tackle climate change”

Greenpeace "Dave You've Changed"

@GreenpeaceUK’s artistic reponse twitter to the alleged “green crap” comments ,

referring to Cameron’s previous pledge to lead “the greenest government ever

The comments were allegedly made in reference to green levies on energy bills. Ms Lambert responded by challenging the Prime Minster to set out some alternative proposals for reducing energy use and helping fund the next generation of clean, renewable power generation. 

She said: “Given that the green taxes Mr Cameron is today reported to have described as ‘green crap’ are designed to reduce energy use and help pay for the next generation of power through clean renewable sources, the question is: how will he achieve those goals by other means?

“As over 60% of the rise in bills is due a rise in wholesale prices of energy from 2010 to 2012, how will bills be reduced if there is no comprehensive effort to reduce energy consumption and provide alternative, domestic renewable resources?”

Next week Jean will host a “Green Economy Conference”, including speakers such as EU Comissioner Laszlo Andor and TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady. The ‘green’ sector is already worth £25.4bn a year – and employs more than 163,000 people – in London alone, according to a recent report  from the London Assembly.

TUC Secretary General Frances O’Grady said:

“Investment in green technology could boost growth and create hundreds of thousands of high quality jobs. But just at the point at which government needs to step up this investment it is considering cutting off vital support provided through green levies.

“We need to make the case that green investment will create jobs, boost growth, reduce fuel bills, improve the UK’s energy security and help to reduce carbon emissions.”

For more information about Jean Lambert MEP’s Building Our Green Economic Future on Friday 29th November and to register, please visit our event listing here.

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