Green Euro-MP Jean Lambert has been appointed as the Green Party’s Immigration Spokesperson.
Ms Lambert, who was elected as London’s Green Party MEP in 1999 and re-elected, each time with an increased vote share, in 2004 and 2009, has been involved in the development of EU asylum and migration policy and has published on the issue of displacement and the environment.
A former teacher, she was named MEP for Human Rights by her fellow Euro-MPs in 2005, and currently serves as Chair of the European Parliament’s Delegation to South Asia.
Ms Lambert said: “I am really pleased to have been appointed to this role.
“Busting some of the myths around migration, as well as looking out for the interests of the many migrants living in London – more than a million of them from other EU countries – has become something of a theme of my current work.
“I am very excited about getting to grips with some of the migration issues faced by people up and down the country – and speaking up on behalf of migrants’ rights whenever the opportunity arises.”