Building on Crystal Palace Park is an unacceptable, poorly timed proposal

London Green Party Assembly Member Darren Johnson has criticised the Mayor of London, Bromley Council and the ZhongRong Group for announcing plans to build a replica Crystal Palace on the upper terrace in the Crystal Palace Park.

“While I’m sure many people would love to see the Crystal Palace raised from the ashes, this precious parkland isn’t the right place for it. When the palace was moved there in the 1850s the newly laid out park was near countryside, but today it’s an urban park with a lot of space already taken up by the national sports centre, car parks, roads and the caravan site.

“The Mayor and the council need to concentrate on enhancing the park and backing the community groups who are doing their best to restore heritage features without losing green space. I’m particularly worried that this announcement might derail the Heritage Lottery Foundation funding bid and the plans to open the subways.”


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