Bus collisions are a Mayoral blind spot

London Green Party Assembly Member Darren Johnson will be asking the Mayor of London to review the Transport for London policy of not systematically investigating bus collisions. The Mayor has admitted that TfL do not currently collect all the results of investigations into fatalities and serious injuries involving a bus.

Darren commented,

“Bus collisions are a Mayoral blind spot, despite accounting for over two thousand deaths and serious injuries since 2008. The London bus fleet does an amazing job keeping London moving, but we urgently need to do something to minimise roads deaths and injuries. The Mayor should be demanding that all the bus operators are reducing their casualty rates.”

“I find it amazing that Transport for London does not even get all the copies of investigations into fatalities involving its buses.  TfL can’t push all the responsibility onto the bus operators. The whole point of investigations is to learn lessons and reduce, or eliminate, the chance of a re-occurrence. The Mayor needs to commission a pattern analysis of all the collisions involving an injury, so that he can identify any hotspots, or dangerous routes, and deal with them.”

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