Jenny Jones AM to take part in cycling vigil this evening

Today Jenny Jones, Green Party Member of the London Assembly, will participate in the London Cycling Campaign’s second ‘space4cycling’ ride which begins at 6.30pm in Russell Square, London.

The ride has been organised in response to the death of a male cyclist involved in a collision with a tipper truck in Holborn yesterday morning.

Ahead of tonight’s vigil Jenny Jones said:

“The tragic death of another cyclist underlines the urgent need for the Mayor to create more segregated cycle lanes and to get dangerous lorries off London’s streets during peak hours. During the Olympics HGV movements were restricted at the busiest times of day and the Games were still delivered on time. The Mayor must push for these very effective restrictions to be implemented on a permanent basis.

The Mayor must also tell TfL to insist that boroughs sign up to HGV safety training codes of procurement before money is made available to them. At present, ‘Safer Lorries’ practices are patchy across London boroughs so Mayoral leadership on this is urgently needed. It would go a long way to making our streets safer for cyclists and pedestrians.”


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