Mayor of London “still has affordable housing mountain to climb”

Mayor has so far built 25% of the affordable houses he promised for his second term in office.

Figures released by the Greater London Authority show that there were 10,092 affordable homes started in 2012/13, taking the Mayor’s total for this investment round to 14,383. The Mayor pledged to fund 55,000 homes in the four years 2011-15, leaving another 40,617 to be started in the remaining two.

There were fewer than 100 GLA-funded affordable homes started in nine boroughs in 2012/13.

London Green Party Assembly Member Darren Johnson commented:

“These figures are better than last year, but still far below the peak in his first term. The Mayor has a mountain to climb if he is going to build the rest of these affordable homes in just two years.

“The Mayor took a two-thirds cut in his housing grant and had to develop a new programme, which led to this big delay and has driven up rents. He still hasn’t got a firm agreement for funding after 2015, so we might end up with this happening all over again.”

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