London Green Party and Move Your Money Team-up to Promote Ethical Banking

The Move Your Money campaign provides a call to action for individuals and groups angered by the big bonuses, risky speculation, and Libor rigging of the “big 5” banks – Barclays, RBS, HSBC, Santander, and Lloyds. The campaign encourages people to transfer their savings and current accounts over to alternatives such as credit unions, co-operatives, ethical banks and building societies that support communities, invest responsibly and put power in the hands of their customers.

The Green Party’s Jenny Jones, former Deputy Mayor of London and current London Assembly Member, has already worked closely with the campaign to push City Hall to drop its support for Barclays and move over to a more socially responsible alternative. Now the London Green Party at-large has moved to support the campaign – and to pledge to “Switch and Tell” this March.

Jenny Jones, London Green Party Assembly Member, said:

“I am delighted to say that local Green Parties in London are leading by example and banking ethically. Choosing an ethical bank means knowing that your finances are being used for socially beneficial projects, such as investing in small business and local community schemes, in renewable energy and environmental protection, and in development programmes abroad. We can all make the choice to bank ethically and I have been extremely glad to see the leadership shown by the London Green Party, in partnership with the Move Your Money campaign, on this issue.”

The next stage of the campaign will see the London Green Party continue to work with Move Your Money on their “Move Your Council’s Money” project – encouraging Borough Councils in London to adopt ethical banking practices. 


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