Camden and Islington Greens unite to defend the Whittington Hospital

Last Wednesday Camden and Islington Greens joined 150 protesters to demand the Hospital Board stop the “sell-off” of the Whittington. 


Islington and Camden Greens Caroline Russell, Jenni Chan and Sheila Malone

were joined by 150 protestors outside the Whittington Hospital this Thursday

At the first Hospital Board meeting since the “sell-off” – which will see the loss of 570 jobs, 243 beds and one third of the hospital’s buildings – was agreed, Camden Green Sarah Cope delivered a letter urging Chair Joe Liddane “in the strongest terms possible not to go through with the sell-off plans”. 

The board has been criticised by campaigners for making contraversial decisions to convert the hospital into an independently run foundation trust without first consulting the public. Camden and Islington Green’s letter, signed by Camden Cllr Maya De Souza and Prospective Islington Cllr Mick Holloway, said: “In failing to consult, you have largely lost the trust of residents, something it is crucial for you to have, providing as you do such an essential local service.”

The letter also highlighted the Parties’ concerns regarding the conversion of the hospital into an independant trust: “The profit motive is not in our view a good driver of good medical and nursing care.”

Camden Green Sarah Cope delivering Cllr De Souza and Prospective Cllr Holloway’s

letter to the Whittington Hospital Board

Members of the Board refused to answer questions during the meeting, as the proposed changes were not on their agenda. However, following continued pressure from the Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition, Deputy Chair Mr Aitken has stated that there will be a pause in the foundation trust application to allow for a reconsideration. 

For more information about the Defend the Whittington Coaltion and details of their march on 16th March, please see their website



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