Cross-party budget forces Boris to review frontline 999 cuts

Today the Green, Labour and Liberal Democrat Groups on the London Assembly agreed to alter the Mayor of London’s draft budget. The alteration, known formally as a ‘Technical Amendment’, forces the Mayor to review his budget. This is the first time for a decade this power has been used.

Green Assembly member Jenny Jones: “The safety of Londoners should

come before gimmicks like a 1p a day council tax reduction”

The changes made will force the Mayor to review freezing the council tax precept, rather than cutting it by 7pence per week for an average household. This would raise £9.4 million which will be used to keep all of London’s fire stations open and maintain police front counter provision across London.

Leader of the Green Group Jenny Jones AM said: “Londoners are suffering enough from the Government’s failed austerity programe of cuts, without the Mayor adding to the pain. The safety of Londoners should come before gimmicks like a 1p a day council tax reduction. I welcome this cross party attempt to stop the cuts to fire stations and several hundred fire fighters.”

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