Boris blames sun spots for climate change

Boris Johnson yesterday in his Daily Telegraph article blamed sun spots and solar activity as the cause of climate change. This follows concerns raised over Boris Johnson’s choice of his keynote speaker Dr Matt Ridley at his Environment Conference last summer who played down the threat climate change poses. 

London Mayor Boris Johnson has been criticised for suggesting that cour recent cold weather 

is “the sun having a cold patch”. (Image courtesy of Paolo Camera) 

Green Assembly Member and former Deputy Mayor Jenny Jones said:

“There is overwhelming scientific evidence that global warming is happening, and that human activity is the major cause. The Mayor has happily ignored this, giving credence to a fringe view about sun spots, because he wants to remove our responsibility, in order to allow unhindered growth in aviation and other harmful economic activities. His claim that we should shape policy in areas like transport and aviation based on unscientific nonsense is a disgraceful abdication of his responsibilities as Mayor of London.”

“It therefore comes as no surprise that the Mayor is not meeting his annual carbon reduction targets”

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