20mph Limit “a success for Greens”

Green Party Leader Natalie Bennet has launched the campaign to bring 20mph to Camden

In a statenment to mark Road Safety Week Caroline Allen, Green Party spokesperson, said: “Green Councillor Katie Dawson’s motion to bring 20 mph limits across Islington is at last becoming a reality.  Islington Green Party is proud to have helped build the widespread support for 20mph limits along with many other Islington community groups.  This sensible measure will make a real difference to the lives of communities living alongside some of our most congested roads.  This is great for the safety, health and well-being of residents across the borough” 

To celebrate the decision by Islington Council a new 20mph campaign called “Go20” was launched at a Primary School in the borough yesterday. This new campaign hopes to encourage other Borough Councils across London to follow Islington’s lead and introduce 20mph limits to all roads under their control. 

For Green Party leader Natalie Bennett the next target will be Camden. She launched her campaign to bring 20mph to the Borough last week. 

Natalie Bennett said: “The basic fact is, if you get hit by a car at 20mph, you are more likely to live. If you get hit at 30mph, you are more likely to die. Our argument is that where people live, work and shop there are positives to bringing in 20mph limits.” 

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