London Green Parties Unite against Austerity

On October 20th Green Parties across London came together to demand a better future for everyone.

Party Leader Natalie Bennett, Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas and Green Party members from London and across the country joined over 100,000 marchers to demand A Future That Works.

The event was organised by the Trades Union Congress to protest against the Coalition government’s economic policies and to call for a new focus on investment to spark economic recovery.

Speaking before the march, Green Party Leader and London Green Natalie Bennett said:

“We’re marching with hundreds of thousands of others to give the government the message that we have to invest in the future.”

Natalie also spoke at the Coaltion of Resistance “Europe against Austerity Action Conference” the following day, which was organised for trade unionists and anti-cuts activists to discuss plans for future common action.

Thank you to all London Green Party members and supporters who attended the march to show their support. Below are some pictures of Local Parties we snapped during the day – if your Local Party was at the march and we didn’t manage to catch you please send in your photos to

London Parties


Tom Chance, Southwark Green Party, speaking at the Southwark

feeder march. Listen to his speech here.

Other Green Party Groups

Young Greens with Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett and

Caroline Lucas, MP

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