London Green Party to march against Austerity

London Green Party is set join with Green Party Members across the country to take its place in a national anti-austerity march this weekend to call for a better future for everyone – with two of its highest-profile members leading from the front.

Noel Lynch, London Green Party co-Coordinator preparing placards

for this Saturday’s march

Party Leader Natalie Bennett and Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas will head the march in London on Saturday, joining union members, Party activists and thousands of others to demand A Future That Works. 

The march has been organised by the Trades Union Congress in protest against the Coalition government’s economic policies and to call for a new focus on investment to spark economic recovery.

Like the TUC, the Green Party opposes the ideologically motivated cuts which are hitting public services, taking support away from society’s most vulnerable, and leaving a generation of young people unable to find work.

The policies are also failing to deliver the single achievement to which the government claims it is dedicated – instead of reducing the deficit by 4.6 per cent as promised, nearly two and a half years of austerity measures forced it to grow by 22 per cent between April and August of this year.

Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett said:

“We’re marching with hundreds of thousands of others to give the government the message that we have to invest in the future.

“The government can’t continue with its economically illiterate cuts – we must invest in decent homes, renewable energy, public services, public transport and the infrastructure we need to bring manufacturing back to Britain.

“We must also restore food production systems within this country. All of these things are urgent, and need investment and planning to deliver.

“And this investment must be used to assist young people in finding fulfilling and worthwhile work. The Princes Trust has revealed that the number of young people in the UK out of work for more than two years has increased by 168 per cent since February 2008 (2).

“Our young people are doing all the right things to secure a job and future, but we’re not doing right by them.”

The march leaves Victoria Embankment at 11am, and will end with a rally at Hyde Park – London Greens will be meeting at Temple tube station at 10am. For more information please see our events page

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